Book Works: The Listening Walk
The Listening Walk
The Listening Walk by Paul Showers, mindfulness for kids
One way to help kids learn mindfulness (paying attention on purpose) is to encourage them to be mindful listeners. For practice, children can spend time focusing on different sounds like chimes, music, birds, or whatever sounds are around them. In The Listening Walk, a story for kids ages 3–6, a young girl stays silent as she takes a long walk with her father and their dog. She hears her father’s shoes going “dop, dup” as he strolls along and she hears her dog’s toenails clicking on the sidewalk. She appreciates the variety of sounds she hears in different parts of the neighborhood. Kids will enjoy taking their own listening walk and may even discover some new sounds of their own.
The Listening Walk by Paul Showers; Illustrations by Aliki
Amazon affiliate link (opens in a new tab): Works are book recommendations by Communication Works (CW) that support speech, language, social and emotional growth for children.